We are a friendly, welcoming congregation, and quality weekly worship is central to our life together as God’s people.

On Sunday mornings, we gather to hear God’s Word and be fed at Christ’s table in the meal of Holy Communion. Everything you need for a worship service (with the exception of the hymns) is printed in our bulletins, so it is easy to participate, even if you are worshipping with us for the first time. Hymns are found in the Evangelical Lutheran Worship and With One Voice hymnals.

Our 8 a.m. communion service is primarily spoken, but does include at least two hymns. Occasionally, one of our choirs will sing at the early service (especially on festival days such as Easter).

DSCN1331 Our 10:30 a.m. communion service is a sung liturgy. One or more of our choirs is usually present to help lead the congregation in song and to offer an anthem related to the theme of the day.

We invite and encourage children of all ages to be present in worship. Even very young children can start learning songs and prayers and the “rhythm” of worship (and it’s okay if they make a little noise!). Children’s bulletins and activity bags are available at the High Street and Atrium entrances. Our nursery is open throughout the morning for little ones who need a break. Parents are asked to remain in the nursery with their children and can listen to worship via a speaker.

All the baptized are invited to receive communion. Instructions for communion distribution are always printed in the bulletin. Pastor Leber offers instruction for young children ready to receive communion for the first time.

Questions you might have:

How do people dress for worship? In a variety of ways! Some men wear a suit and tie, others a polo shirt and khakis. Some women wear dresses, others wear t-shirts and slacks. Our worship leaders (i.e., our pastor, assisting ministers, acolytes, minister of music and choir) are typically “vested” (robed) for worship. We are more interested in having you with us than in how you are dressed.

What if I do not feel comfortable taking communion? People who do not wish to commune are encouraged to come forward for a blessing. Alternatively, you may remain in your pew during communion distribution. We commune with wine and wafers made out of wheat; gluten-free wafers are available upon request.

If I visit, will I have to stand up or identify myself in some way during the announcements? No – we know attending a new church can be a bit intimidating to begin with, so we won’t call attention to you during worship! However, you will find that people will come up and introduce themselves to you and welcome you to First Lutheran. We also hope you will complete a yellow “guest card” available in the pew rack or sign the visitor’s book in the narthex (lobby).

What if I have a question not answered by your website? Please feel free to email Pastor Lisa Leber at pastor@firstlutherancarlisle.org with any questions!

Lessons and Carols